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Composting Machines

Machinery and equipment for composting TOY Group

Composting Equipment Group René TOY

René TOY Group offers many equipment for composting, horizontal mixers in fixed post, vertical mixers in fixed post, vertical or horizontal mixers mobile, conveyor mats, mixers, chopper mixers incorporaters (see also the methanization section). Check out your TOY sales technician Download the brochure: TOY Solutions Industries Group


TOY methanization incorporater blender



TOY methanization incorporater blender



Methanization Composting


*Approximately depending on configuration. Non-contract photos and info, subject to change without notice – see us


Horigaz chopper blender

MODEL 2 SCREWS NOT INVERTED BLEND / HASH / WEIGHING / INCORPORATING METHANIZATION. Cut/Mulching: round or square bales (straw, hay) / Eyelashes / Green waste / Bio-waste (food, organic, feces and other…) / Branches – 30mm. Mix: precision solids/liquids/ dry/wet / PS variable. Cubic : from10 to 30M3 catalogue or custom dimensions depending on location. Weighing/Dosing: Sensors with manual or programmable indicator. Use: Inside or outside.

2 SCREWS NOT INVERTED BLEND / HASH / WEIGHING / INCORPORATING METHANIZATION. Cut/Hash: round or square balls / Eyelashes / Green waste / Bio-waste / Branches up to 30mm. Blend : precision. Cubics: from 10 to 30M3. Catalogue or custom dimensions. Precise weighing/dosing.

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Horigaz features..


  • Reinforced tank: 10mm steel bottom – 3mm dubbing stainless steel.
  • Mix/Mulching : 2 large-diameter screws not inverted /  150 to 200 tungsten knives all fibers.
  • Steel turns Hardox  type. Mounting screws with bridles at the end.
  • Screws sized  specifically for each cubic for optimal performance.
  • Mashing: side-to-center and rear-to-front for a mixture  in the centre without compacting. Quick and homogeneous mix.
  • Drive: 2 planetary-type industrial engines  (1 engine link screw on belt gearbox).
  • Weighing: 4 stainless steel sensors. Weighing indicator UF5 large-size display  with red numbers (better visibility). Programmable  formulas, programmable components.
  • Innovative Dynamic   filter. Limits variations due to mechanical vibrations.
  • Mini Hydraulic Power Station: With electric motor /  Solenoid valve for steering dispensers, Hydraulic  door opening verin.
  • Unloading: Regular feeding The door is to the right   and/or left and/or bottom of the tank.


Some Options:


  • Conveyor: Out of the hatch / PVC or rubber band / Electric motor drive.
  • Steel cover: Closing the top of the blender / Hydraulic lift / Remote control.
  • Electronic Variator: Integrated into the electrical cabinet / Adjusting screw speed by knob in front /   Curve acceleration/progresive deceleration/ Automaton inputs.


Vertigaz chopper blender

MODELS 1, 2, 3 SCREWS – MIXING / MULCHING/ WEIGHING / INCORPORATION METHANIZATION. Cut/Mulching: round or square bales (straw, hay) / Eyelashes / Green waste / Bio-waste (food, organic, feces and other…) / Branches – 30mm. Mix: precision solids/liquids/ dry/wet / PS variable. Cubic: from 8 to 32M3, catalogue or custom dimensions depending on location. Precise weighing/dosing. For indoors or outdoors.

MODELS 1, 2, 3 SCREWS – MIXING / MULCHING/ WEIGHING / INCORPORATION METHANIZATION. Quick cut/chopping of all inputs for methanization. Branches up to 30mm diameter. Precise solid/liquid/dry/wet/variable PS mixture. Cubing: from 8 to 32M3. Precise weighing/dosing.

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Vertigaz features..


  • Smooth tank: precise rolling for perfect circulation and less wear.
  • Mix/Mulching: 1, 2 or 3 screws (depending on model) sized   specifically for each cubage for optimal performance.
  • Large diameter and screw height – more knives allowing   for regular and quick mixing and cutting. Revolutionary wide-mounted fastening   system (great rigidity and screw support). Hot rolled thick spire,   preservation of mechanical features. Blade in a thick tube.
  • Large inverted knives counters: Hydraulic rolling cutting edge or   adjustable manuals, perfect and fast hashing and better input circulation   better work of all knives. Regular and fast free clean cut.
  • Training: Global industrial powertrains.
  • Scale: Indoor tank visualization
  • Weighing: 4 stainless steel sensors. Weighing indicator UF5   large-size display with red numbers (better visibility). Programmable formulas,  programmable components. Innovative Dynamic filter. Limits  variations due to mechanical vibrations.
  • Drive: transmission by electric motor and mini independent hydraulic power plant   for steering the opening jack and  closing the door.
  • Unloading: Regular feeding Door to choice back and/or   right and/or left. 


Some options: 


  • Super chopper screw: plus knives/intermediate knives, faster and more efficient cuts.
  • Tank: Stainless tank stockings.
  • Screw: Stainless screw.
  • Conveyor: Out of the hatch / PVC or rubber band / Electric motor drive.
  • Steel cover: Closing the top of the blender / Hydraulic lift / Remote control.
  • Electronic Variator: Integrated into the electrical cabinet / Adjusting screw speed by knob in front /   Curve acceleration/progresive deceleration/ Automaton inputs.

Some methanization equipment TOY Group

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