+33 (0)2 54 85 01 10 info@toy-sa.com

Mechanical distribution

Lozenge chain, soft screw, all distribution by the TOY Group

TOY Group Distribution Solutions

Here we present our know-how, equipment and facilities for distributing livestock food. As a leader in the food factory sector, and its distribution, we are well aware of the requirements of today’s breeders and our high-performance mechanical and/or pneumatic solutions are probably the best to date. Our experience of installing all food distribution systems for any type of operation provides you with quality advice for production units of optimal, reliable and fast usability. René TOY offers serious, sustainable manufacturing thanks to our design office and thus adapts our standards to your specific needs. We offer you tailor-made support: from the definition of your needs, to the study of implantation (plans, 3D Epures) and to the assistance of assembly.


Stainless or painted steel training group

Training group
INOX or painted steel


Soft screws

Flexible screws
60 or 90mm diameter


Distribution mounting accessories

editing and distribution


Automates, steering cabinets

Automates, Wardrobes


Typical examples of developments

Typical examples

Distribution TOY Group

Lozenge chain solution

Very flexible and suitable for any installation, the distribution by pellet chain (cable lozenges on demand) René TOY is highly reliable and efficient. Like all our materials, it is a quality manufacturing made to last and bring comfort and profitability to the breeder, it offers a great flexibility to adapt to each phase of breeding.

Training group.

  • Painted steel or stainless steel, installs indoors or outdoors
  • Automatic chain voltage optimized
  • Mounting on ball bearings
  • 1.1 kW motorcycle-reducing training



  • Thick galva steel pipes, 2mm – 60mm (INOX possibility on request)
  • Special tempered steel chain
  • Special thermo-moulded plastic pellets on   “chain   link” (preserves the proper chain joint)
  • Galva steel corner returns (stainless steel possibility) and wheels on special ball bearings   with: anti-wear, anti-heating, anti-congestion system
  • Automatic stop by sensor at the end of the chain


Benefits of the   system:

  • Respect for food, avoid waste
  • Easy maintenance
  • Long lifespan
  • For flour, small granulated, crumbled
  • 600 kg debits
  • Easy enslavement for multi-phase auto or semi-automatic steering
  • Transport distances   Lozenges   chain: 400m with 16 corner returns

Soft screw solution

Their flexibility allows them to adapt to all buildings, for a simple and economical food distribution. The flexible screws TOY, has a high quality treated steel spire. The section and step are specifically calculated for a better solidity/flow ratio. White PVC or galvanized steel piping is available in diameter 60 and 90mm.

Flexible screws:

  • Make it possible to make a circuit
    a curve at 90 degrees or two curves at 45 degrees,
  • Can be serialled to lengthen the circuit with a box relay.
  • Steel or PVC tubes (delivered in 6m bars) are assembled by stainess steel cuffs.


Exit set, compact:

  • a motorized head,
  • A end-of-fill sensor,
  • a motorcycle-reducer
  • Fixing the spire to the engine facilitated by an anti-twisting system (also present on the foot of the screw). It is mounted on rolling and maintains coil tension.


The benefits of the system:

  • Install flexibility in any type of building
  • Suitable for flours, granules, crumbled (depending on diameter)
  • Respects food and avoids demelange
  • Pairing several flexible screws and transporting them by possible intermediate systems (rigid screws, relay hoppers, distribution chain) depending on the length and configuration of the circuit. 
  • Transportation distances: 
    – Soft screw – 60mm, maximum   length: 85m
    – Soft screw – 90mm, maximum   length: 60m

Distribution accessories

Distribution and assembly accessories

TOY Group, which specialises in equipment for livestock, manufactures and provides you with all the necessary elements for your equipment and facilities for your farms, including all distribution accessories and assembly accessories.

TOY Group provides you with all the distribution accessories and all the assembly accessories.


Doc Mechanical Distribution

Distribution accessories.

We are well aware of all the necessities of a theatrical distribution installation. We offer all the distribution accessories perfectly suited to the needs of your distribution system. Your TOY salescontact will advise you:

Download PDF with all editing accessories: Distribution accessories

Montage accessories..

We know all the vagaries of assembly rooms and distribution systems, we have identified all the necessary accessories, save time and efficiency in assembly by ordering all your assembly accessories. Your TOY salescontact will advise you:

Download PDF with all editing accessories: Editing accessories

Focus on some TOY innovations..


“Rotodoz” pear doser:

No more jamming   hatches!   Direct entry of the food into the   doser!   No holding area.   Mechanical or pneumatic
“Rotodoz” pear dosers: easy volume adjustment in rotation of 2 to 9 liters, for the individual feeding of nursing or pregnant sows. The translucent tank provides better visibility of the level of the food on both sides (animal side and aisle side). A pear opening (coupling the blowers for simultaneously emptying to the troughs – manual or automatic system – possible time- the   pear goes up into the     “out-of-product zone” and allows easier circulation of the pear, with less friction and less weight of food. Large side flap for incorporating additives.

The downhill   Ts:

For feeding feeders in post-weaning and fattening. Available in 60 and 90mm, for soft screws and lozenges. Equipped with a wide output for a good descent of the product. Equipped with a manual closure hatch, which can be automated by two-phase and multi-phase pneumatic jack.

Telescopic   descents:

1 to 2 metres, they allow rationing in feeders. Available in a transparent version for perfect visibility of the descent.

Automates, commands

Automates, steering, controls

Developed within the René TOY group, the new sets of automatisms provide piloting possibilities suitable for all productions. These systems have great adaptive flexibility and scalability. Software suites to manage all needs.

Automates, steering software, control cabinets, developed and manufactured by the TOY Group


Doc Mechanical Distribution

Automates / Piloting / Controls.

Our specific cabinets, automatons and software, developed within TOY Group, are adapted to each installation for manual or automated productions (bi-phase or multiphase). They allow differentiated and scalable feeding according to each type of animal at each stage of growth.

Automation allows the control of the feed by PC or automaton   to:

  • The control of specific daily rations of each type
  • The sharp distribution by output and exit groups of individualized mixes in multi-phase distribution.
  • The management of the circuit drains between rations/recipes.
  • Accompanying and monitoring of treatments and dietary supplements for the health of livestock.
    René TOY advises you effectively on the automation of your productions.

Room layout


TOY Group, which specialises in the manufacture of theatrical distribution equipment and the layout of the rooms, advises you, accompanies you and provides you with all the equipment for the layout of your rooms all over France…

TOY Group, which manufactures theatrical distribution equipment and the layout of the rooms


Doc Mechanical Distribution

Types of room rooms (examples).


Soft screws (volumetric doses)

>Soft screw distribution to volumetrics   (maximum length per line 85 M – 60mm)

Soft screw (feeding worms)

>Soft screw distribution to feeders or PS (length per line 85 M – 60mm)

Lozenge chain (taken under silo)

>Distribution by lozenge chain to feeders fattening or PS (direct silo outlet)

Soft screw/lozenges chain

>Distribution by: soft screw under silo, and lozenge chain to dosers.


>Distribution by lozengel chain – > Two separate foods


>Distribution by lozengel chain – > Several different foods

René TOY also produces complete pneumatic distribution equipment and installations
for livestock.   Contact us!


Some DISTRIBUTION facilities TOY Group

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    J’autorise la société Groupe TOY (SAS RENÉ TOY) à me contacter à ma demande pour me présenter ses produits.

    TOY Group Contact Information

    General reception desk

    Tel: ’33 (0)2 54 85 01 10 / Fax: ’33 (0)2 54 72 60 67

    TOY Group Sites:

    TOY Group Montoire sur le Loir
    Route des Reclusages 41800 Montoire sur le Loir

    TOY Group Saint Amand Longpré
    16 rue de l’Industrie 41310 Saint Amand Longpré

    TOY Group Brittany
    3 PA des Landes de Penthièvre 22640 PLESTAN

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