+33 (0)2 54 85 01 10 info@toy-sa.com

Indoor and outdoor storage

Range for indoor/outdoor storage TOY GROUP

TOY Group Outdoor Indoor Storage

For agri-food, livestock and industry, TOY Group manufactures and installs complete indoor and outdoor storage equipment and facilities: Inner round cells, Outdoor Round Cells, Loading Bushes, Reception Pits, Ventilation, Flourwoods, Cereal Hopper, Distri-corn, Big Bag Supports, Molded Roto Hoppers, Soft Silos, and all necessary accessories. Our storage ranges are perfectly complementary to our transport and handling equipment. TOY Group also offers automation and software to track and protect your storage units

Inner cells

diameter 2.22 to 8M
Height from 0.90 to 6.78M

Outdoor cells

Smooth or wavy iron. Flat or legs bottom. At 30 or 60 degrees

Boissx loading

3 models 30m3, 44m3, 58m3. Sheet galva easy assembly.

Reception pits

Square or rectangular pits at 45 or 60 degrees

Bushels flour

In square or conical versions

Cereal hoppers

Square hoppers. Volumes from 250 to 12,000 liters


For damp corn deiling. Painted stainless steel

Big bags supports

Single, double or triple. For big-bags 1, 1.5, 2 m3

Rotomoulated hoppers

Hoppers 250 and 50L. Slope at 70 degrees

Soft silos

Silo capacity: 2 to 30M3 storage

Non-contract photos and info, subject to change without notice – see us

Inner round cells

Round cells 100% Made in France

Many diameters available for each need. From a minimum diameter of 2.22M to 8M maximum., Adjustable heights 0.90M to 6.78M. Our cells have a large number of accessories: visiting hatch, recovery pipes (200,300 and 400) to allow passage without difficulty of your various screws of repeats. Also note: our recovery pipes are offered in 2 different inclinations ‘adapting to different ventilation systems or exiting screw of higher recovery.

Manufacturing 100% TOY. Galvanized sheet thickness 75/100. Diameter 2.22 to 8M. Height from 0.90 to 6.78M. Many accessories (visiting hatch, recovery pipes (up 200,300 and 400 in 2 different inclinations)

Inner round cells

100 %TOY, made of galvanized sheet metal 75/100 thick, many diameters are available to meet all your requirements. With a minimum diameter of 2.22m and 8m maximum, they are also flexible in height from 0.90m to 6. 78m. Our cells have a large number of accessories ranging from a visit hatch through recovery pipes of various diameters 200 ,300 and 400 to allow the passage without difficulty of your various screws of repeats. Also note that our recovery pipes are offered in two different inclinations: wide angle and small angle in order to adapt as best as possible to the different ventilation systems or to allow an exit of the screw of higher recovery.


  • Inner cells: from 2.22 to 8 meters
  • Height: 0.90 to 6.75 metres
  • In galvanized sheet metal. 75/100
  • Ventilation solutions: different types of masonry
  • Many accessories
  • Easy assembly: lifting system rental


  • Visiting hatch
  • Taken back by screw and/or scrapy screw
  • Filter cover
  • Ventilation (see ventilation section)
  • Racleuse screw


Find all the ribs on the table below

View PDF of sizing and features of TOY inner round cells

Ventilation boitard

Filter cover

Taken back by screw

Visiting hatch

Racleuse screw

Outdoor cells

TOY outdoor cells: many models

full range of outer cells. Corrugated iron – diameter 4.50M to 15.28M. Height up to 21.49M (large diameter). Smooth sheet metal from 4.50M to 12.90M diameter. Height up to 23.60M (large diameter). Available in a foot version with a cone at 40 or 60 degrees. Diameter 2.80M to 7.40M. Height up to 23.90M. Flat sheet metal has great advantages: no product retention, perfect emptying, ideal delicate products.

Diameter 4.50 to 15.28M. Height from 21.49M to 23.60M (depending on model). Smooth or wavy galvanized sheet metal. On leg or flat bottom. Ventilation solutions, different types of masonry. Many accessories and options


We also have a full range of outdoor cells that can be offered in several models. Corrugated iron from 4.50 m in diameter to 15.28 m for a maximum height of 21.49m (for larger diameters) or smooth sheet metal from 4.50m to 12m90 for a maximum height of 23.60 (for the largest diameters).

They also exist in a foot version with a cone at 40 or 60 degrees, with a mini diameter of 2.80m up to 7.40m with a maximum height of 23.90m (for larger diameters). The flat sheet metal structure represents a big advantage in terms of product retention (dust, bales, etc.). These smooth walls allow for perfect emptying even with delicate products. Options: all accessories to meet your requirements (visiting door, recovery hose, ventilation, fan, scrapy screw, etc.).


  • From diameter 4.50 to 15.28 meters (depending on the models)
  • Height of 21.49 meters to 23.60 meters (depending on models)
  • Galvanized sheet metal
  • Ventilation solutions: different types of masonry
  • Many accessories
  • Assembly without hoisting (for corrugated sheets): equipment lifting rental
  • Mounting with hoisting (for smooth sheets)


  • Visiting hatch
  • Taken back by screw and/or scrapy screw
  • Ventilation
  • Porte OS – D

On legs / slope 60 degrees

Smooth sheet metal cell

Corrugated iron cells

Flat bottom cell

Racleuse screw

Visiting hatch

Loading bushes

Loading bushel

Ideal for fast truck loading. 3 models: 30m3, 44m3, 58m3. Fully galvanized. Can be sold without a roof for indoor installation. Easy assembly without crane (sliding box on mounts). The hatch can be opened from the ground or bridge (optional) at loading height. As an option, you can integrate a high-precision weighing system.

3 models: 30m3, 44m3, 58m3. In long-lasting galvanized sheet metal. Easy editing. Option to open the hatch from the ground. Opportunity to integrate a very precise weighing system


The loading bushel, ideal tool for the quick loading of trucks in. Available in 3 models: 30m3, 44m3, 58m3 to meet your needs (58m3 for 30T rapeseed or sunflower). Fully galvanized for great longevity. Can be sold without a roof for an indoor building installation. Easy assembly, thanks to its sliding box system on the feet avoiding the intervention of a crane. The hatch can be opened from the ground or bridge (optional) at loading height.

Also optional, you can integrate a weighing system (installed under 4 feet of the bushel) to obtain a very high precision of weighing (stainless steel weighing sensor with anti-tipping safety). The weight indicator (black background with red writing) can be equipped (optional) with a weight repeater (larger and deported screen). It is also possible to program thresholds (e.g. quantity requested 20 tons so the display will stop handling at 20T in the bushel).


  • Square bushels
  • Galvanized sheet ep. 20/10
  • Volume: 30, 44, 58m3
  • Loading height – 4.80 metres
  • Safety bridges and ladders
  • Mounting without crane: strong-fire rental
  • Slopes at 45 degrees (cereals) or slopes at 60 degrees (flour)


  • With load cells
  • Weighing system with electronic display and 4 gauges
  • Access bridges, safety cage ladders
  • Visiting hatch on the roof
  • Ground hatch opening control
  • High-level probe

Square bushel

Cylindrical bushel

Weighing option

No hoisting

30, 44, or 58M3

Reception pits

Square or rectangular pits

3 types of pits are possible square pits 4 slopes taken in the masonry. Square pits 4 slopes laid on feet in a concrete formwork. Rectangular pits 2 slopes on feet in a concrete formwork. In galvanized sheet metal. 20/10th. Exist in 2 slopes at 60 degrees and in 4 slopes at 45 degrees or 60 degrees. Different masonry. Taken back by screws, pallet lifts or chain carriers.

Square pits 4 slopes at 45 or 60 degrees and rectangular pits 2 slopes at 60 degrees. In galvanized sheet metal. 20/10th. Different masonry. Taken back by screws, pallet lifts or chain carriers.

Reception pits

TOY Group reception pits different models:

  • Square pits 4 slopes caught in masonry: the most economical solution. 4mx4m (bolted panels), galvanized steel. 20/10th with a square seat of 400 (for the screw) and its slopes at 45 or 60 degrees. Allows a perfect descent of the cereal. Cone volume is 11m3 with the possibility of installation of enhancement (to reach an additional capacity of 14m3 or 25m3. We offer an optional pit grid.
  • Square pits 4 slopes laid on feet in a concrete formwork: they have the same characteristics as those described above, but offer you more advantages. In fact, it is enough to make a concrete formwork and come and deposit it inside. No more waterproofing problems because it is completely insulated from the ground thanks to its feet (suitable very well on wet soils). Other great features: This type of pit allows a complete emptying of the screw (no more worries when changing cereals). In addition, you have the option to uncouple the screw from the pit even when it is full (you access under the pit through a closing hatch, ideal in case of problems on the screw). An optional pit grid can be added.
  • Rectangular pits 2 slopes on feet in a concrete formwork: they have a redler at the bottom of the pit. Several models are available: 2x6m, 2x8m, 2x10m or 3x6m, 3x8m, 3x10m. They are equipped with a pit grate (non-rolling). Two transfer rates are available: 30T/hour or 50T/hour.


  • In galvanized sheet metal. 20/10
  • Available in 2 slopes at 60 degrees and 4 slopes at 45 degrees or 60 degrees
  • Different masonry
  • Screw recovery, pallet lifts or chain carriers



  • Depending on the pit type

Pit with grid

Inner structure


Screws under pit

Forming under pit

Flour bushels

Square or conical bushes

Galvanized sheet, available in square version of 1.25 and 1.80M. Volumes from 1200 to 12000 liters, and in conical versions in 1.80 and up to 3.80M for volumes between 4.54m3 and 58.40m3. Large number of possible accessories: screw recovery, soft screw departure, suction

Square or conical flour bushes. They are suitable for many of our accessories: screw recovery, soft screw start, suction

Flour bushels

In high-quality galvanized sheet metal, TOY Group flour bushels are available in square versions of 1.25 and 1.80M, for volumes of 1200 to 12,000 litres. The standard versions are equipped with filling controls, a square exit hatch of 400 mm to 90cm from the ground.

Conical bushels are available in 1.80 and up to 3.80M for volumes between 4.54m3 and 58.40m3, painted steel. They are equipped as standard with looks for level control and an exit hatch (900 to 380 mm) to 90 cm from the ground. They are suitable for many of our accessories: screw recovery, soft screw departure, suction.

  • Indoor installation
  • Squares of 1.25 or 1.80 meters
  • Rounds – 0.8 to 2.50 metres
  • Height from 2.60 to 8.23 meters
  • Volumes: 450 to 28,000 litres
  • Up to 4 boosters


Square version:

  • Adjustable output height (foot height)
  • Enhanced (4 maximum enhancers)
  • Cover
  • 1.25m square version: forklift handling

Conical version:

  • Pneumatic filling

Cereal hoppers

Cereal square hoppers

René TOY grain hoppers available in square versions of 0.80, 1.25 and 1.80M for volumes from 250 liters to 12000 liters. They are equipped as standard with a square output of 160mm to 50 cm from the ground. A large number of accessories are available: screw recovery, soft screw departure, suction.

cereal hoppers. Square version of 0.80, 1.25 and 1.80M for volumes from 250 liters to 12000L. Many accessories

Cereal hoppers

René TOY grain hoppers are available in squares of 0.80, 1.25 and 1.80 meters for volumes from 250 to 12,000 liters. They are equipped as standard with a square output of 160mm to 50 cm from the ground and are suitable for a large number of accessories: screw-by-screw, soft screw start, suction.

  • Squares from 0.80 to 1.80 meters
  • Up to 4 boosters
  • Heights from 1.30 to 6 meters
  • Volumes: 250 to 12,000 litres



  • Adjustable output height (foot height)
  • Enhanced (4 maximum enhancers)
  • Cover
  • 1.25m square version: forklift handling
  • Closing door

Corn dispenser


Designed to remove wet corn stored in silo corridor. It can be used to power either a soup machine or a pneumatic food factory. The recovery is done by galvanized screw or stainless steel diameter 160mm with motorcycle-reducer. A hedgehog screw with a motor-reducer inside the tank allows the product to be detished.

Loading by buckets for damp corn removal. Power a soup machine or pneumatic food factory. Painted stainless steel tank, painted stainless steel recovery bottom.


The bucket-loading distri-corn is intended for silage clamp of wet corn stored in a corridor silo. It can be used to power either a soup machine or a pneumatic food factory. Its tank is painted stainless steel and it is equipped with a painted stainless steel recovery bottom. The recovery is done by galvanized screw or stainless steel diameter 160mm with motor-reducer. A hedgehog screw driven by a 360-degree rotational motor-reducer inside the tank makes it possible to enchant your product.


  • Storage and recovery of wet corn
  • Loading with a bucket
  • With or without enhances
  • Silage clamp hedgehog screw
  • Taken back by screw – 160mm diameter

Big bags supports

Big-bag supports

Painted sturdy metal frame. forklift handling version or chain hoist version (sold in single, double or triple)

Framed big-bag supports in painted steel. Version of hoist or lift carts. Adaptable for big-bags of 1, 1.5 or 2 m3.

Big bags supports

Our sturdy metal frames are painted. They come in a forklift-handling version (sold on a unit basis) or a chain-bar version (sold in single, double or triple). They are adaptable for big-bags of 1, 1.5 or 2 m3.

  • Painted steel structure
  • Capacity 1.5 tons
  • Optional hoppers
  • On trolley or chain hoist

As an option, you can add a hopper.

Rotomoulated hoppers

Rotomoulated hoppers 250L and 50L

TOY Group’s 250L rotomoulated hoppers, the most versatile on the market. In polyethylene with a slope of 70 degrees facilitating the flow of the product. They can be equipped with electric or pneumatic devours. TOY Group also offers supplementation hoppers made of 50L polyethylene

The 250Len 250Len polyethylene rotomouled hoppers, and 50L supplementing hoppers on a steel chassis. Slope at 70 degrees

Rotomoulated hoppers

TOY Group’s 250-litre rotomouled hoppers are the most versatile on the market. Made of polyethylene with a slope of 70 degrees facilitating the product flow. They can be equipped with electric or pneumatic devours. TOY Group also offers supplementing hoppers consisting of a 50-liters polyethylene vat on a painted steel frame. Always with a slope of 70 degrees, they are equipped with electric devours and stainless steel dosing micro-screws. They are equipped with a lid. You can perform a microdosing (with or without weighing) but also supplementation (amino acids, minerals, additives …).

  • Aspiration recovery
  • Recovery by screw or soft screw
  • Under silos, big bags or empty bags
  • With or without a lid
  • Capacity: 250 litres
  • Benefits of polyethylene: no oxidation and factor. exceptional gliding

Ventilation boitard

Filter cover

Taken back by screw

Visiting hatch

Racleuse screw

Soft silos

Soft silos

Hot galvanized or painted metal frame, TOY Group’s soft silos range from 2 to 30 m3 of storage capacity. Dimensions from 1.10 to 2.80M squared. Height from 3.50 to 6.45M

In galvanized or painted steel, from 2 to 30M3 storage capacity. Dimensions from 1.10 to 2.80M squared. Height from 3.50 to 6.45M

Soft silos

On a hot galvanized or painted metal frame, our flexible silos range from 2 to 30 m3 of storage capacity, ranging in size from 1.10 to 2.80 meters squared, and from 3.50 to 6.45 meters in height. Filtering layer on cover and 60-degree background can be either:

  • Standard roofs, heavy series (carbonate) or PVC canvas (waterproof)
  • Galvanized metal frame
  • Pneumatic or screw filling
  • Standard canvas (for light products less than 0.7 of specific weight)
  • Heavy series canvas (for products of a density – 1.2 PS)
  • PVC-coated composite canvas (for hydrophilic products of less than 0.9 PS density).



  • Pick-up by rigid or flexible screw, suction
  • Anti-bridging
  • Pneumatic filling
  • Decompression

Soft silos

Soft silos

Soft silos

Soft silos

Soft silos

See the ventilation and automatism sections

Some STORAGE facilities TOY Group

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    TOY Group Contact Information

    General reception desk

    Tel: ’33 (0)2 54 85 01 10
    Fax: ’33 (0)2 54 72 60 67

    TOY Group Sites:

    TOY Group Montoire sur le Loir
    Route des Reclusages 41800 Montoire sur le Loir

    TOY Group Saint Amand Longpré
    16 rue de l’Industrie 41310 Saint Amand Longpré

    TOY Group Brittany
    3 PA des Landes de Penthièvre 22640 PLESTAN